Beware of ZNM Performance in Pompton Lakes NJ


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Aug 11, 2017
E89 Z4 35i, F10 535d
How does this guy have such a bad reputation, and yet so many people seem to find the guy? Is he on the forums? Some bizarre word of mouth? In a smaller community like BMW-land, I am used to this kind of information spreading like wildfire. This guy seems to have hammered people over quite some time. Curious how he's finding customers ...



Jan 28, 2018
Strong Island
E70 X5d, E39 528iT, E46 325xi
You'd be surprised how the almighty dollar will make people think twice. Or there just aren't a whole lot of people doing googling..just talking to the one kid who actually had some half ass work done and they think that's a good enough reason to go there.


Feb 24, 2018
e90 335i
Finally SS would allowed me to make an account again. i followed the link and filed with the NJ consumer board as suggested by other members. My chargeback is finalized and i'm only out a few hundred dollars and 10 months of headaches plus hotels gas and travel. SMh


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
E90 335xi
GUYS.... Just joined today because I'm in EXACT same scenario. 2007 335xi needed turbos replaced/upgrade. My car has been at ZNM since July 2nd. Took the car to get Pure High Flows, upgraded ancillaries, inlets/outlets/etc. Put nearly $1800 worth of work into the car WEEKS before sending it to him to make sure everything was up to spec. Drove the car 6.5 hours, (I'm in western PA, and I was visiting family 20 minutes away from his shop). He held a group buy on e90post and I couldn't find any negative information about him at the time. Here we are six months later, and I've heard everything under the sun, timing chain, bad oil, oil pump failure, wrist pin, crank hub, everything. I have an extremely long documented background with Matt. He assures everyone that "I have never had a customer leave angry" which at the point in time I entered into agreement with him, it seemed that might have been the case.

At this point we are on engine number three, the original one being "totalled" the second one supposedly was took to an engine shop, and then had some type of piston failure. Now the most recent one he is saying, is making a noise that is not conducive to sending back to me, due to wanting to have it "perfect". I have a signed agreement saying that we needed to be done 100% by October 19th. That date has come and gone, and still no car, just excuses.

I have yet to read all five pages of this, but my general understanding is that most people got screwed? What was the recourse? My fear at this point is that I have a car sitting there, non-functional, now with a dead engine that if I go to recover, will never be driveable again without significant investment. I had paid over $5k up front for turbos, inlets, outlets, clutch, flywheel, and ancillaries. I have since charged back on my credit card for all charges, but I'm assuming at this point the car is undriveable. I am 6.5 hours away so a quick drive over is out of the question. I have actually had to go get a new car, due to my daily driver being at his shop for nearly six months. So on top of the bills and credit card payments and interest I now have a new car bill as well....

Anyone on here that has been screwed over, does anyone have interest in pursuing charges against him? I have already contacted a lawyer that is legal allowed to practice in PA (my home) and NJ and have also notified Pompton Lakes P.D. Maybe we should band together to see to it that this man never screws anyone else over.

EDIT: Adding original link to my complaint in August on another forum.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
I have joined here also in voicing some of the issues I've had with him in the past with shoddy work being complete as well. It seems like prior to shit hitting the fan with this shop there were virtually no negative reviews. Everyone on e90post tri-state seemed to recommend them and they seemed to have satisfied customers leaving positive reviews. I've been going to ZNM for quite a while now and have faced issues with them taking much longer than they first quoted to have work completed or sub-par work done with the promises of "bring it back I'll make it right" but I always gave them the benefit of the doubt which has kept me from posting any negative reviews. After recently seeing everyone's horrible experiences I've recently come to question a lot of the work that I've gotten done there and if they have actually been done after it has been paid for. I'm going to be taking my car to a secondary shop to see if most of the work performed has actually been performed. More often than not I bring my car in for a seemingly simple issue and it turns out a whole slew of expensive issues just so happens to pop up at the same time and they wind up keeping my car for a few weeks at a time. Being fairly local doesn't always prove to be helpful either since I find myself wasting gas driving there only to get the same stall tactic in person such as "it's in my other car" or "it's at _______ right now but I can get it by ________."

I'm sorry if it seems like my experience is pretty vague but I will soon post my complete experience in dealing with ZNM Performance soon once a few things get resolved between me and a secondary party which unfortunately got stuck in-between this shitty situation. I can't say I've been disappointed 100% of the time since they've performed SOME of the work without any issues but overall it's a more negative than positive for sure.


Feb 24, 2018
e90 335i
So my experience with ZNM

Short version:

1) Mid 2017 enter group buy for PURE turbo upgrade.

2) Dec 2017 Drop off the car

3) 5 moths go by of BS excuses and upsells (rod bearings, timing chain, bad rod, Crank Hub slipped etc)

4) Pick up May-June 2018 with supposedly PURE turbos

5) Find out myself and thru a mechanic that Stock turbos are installed, zero up-sells were done

6) Claims it was mechanics mistakes not his that no customer ever left unhappy

7) Refunds 1/4 of the money by paypal then he says he will wire transfer the rest.

8) Money never came (dealing with my bank)

9) Guy is trash. Filled case with NJ consumer board

Long story.

(July 24 2017 ) Entered his group buy for upgraded twins. (paid in full)

again no negative reviews but only and OLD yelp account that he abandoned and made a new one. I agree to a few extra services just to give him business and a chance to make some money (Walnut Blast, Oil Pan Gasket, Blackstone analysis)

(Oct 2017) Sometime in Oct 2017 i arranged to come and get the turbo kit swapped in two days since i'm coming from DC.

He insisted he could do it in 1 day 8am to 5pm but i booked a hotel and decided to do two days just because i did not want anything rushed.

(Oct 18 2017 ) I come in Bright and early 9am when they open sign some forms give him the keys (i had already paid for everything)

That same day at about 12 noon he informs me that my power steering bracket is cracked but he can swap one in for $100 bucks. i Agree.

(Oct 18 2017) late afternoon he informs me that i should get outlets because typically they break when removing turbos as well as the drain lines. I never heard of outlets doing this. So he recommends to leave the car and order outlets i decline and mention that's something he should have mention before he drags me 4 hours to the middle of nowhere.

I leave and agree to come back with outlets

(Dec 28th 2017) Comeback About December 28th and agree to one week pick up. before coming my drive belt snapped but having experience this on my old 07 335i i automatically turn off the car as soon as i hear it. No damage no check engine lights i MYSELF pulled the crank pulley zero damage belt. I myself replace the tensioner and belt and make the 4 hour drive to ZNM zero issues strong boost on stage 2 + and drop the car off.

Back and forward for the next few 5-6 months Always pushing pick up date.

Excuses an issues

Turbos replaced but you have a low pressure light on. "eye roll" (Keep in mind car was perfectly fine when i drop it off %100 zero issues 70k mile always maintained LCI car.) Also MHD has a backlog of errors check that list no low pressure light ever came up.

I asked him to replace the oil pan gasket initially to give him some business and he says he did and there is belt fragments inside. (funny since i pulled the crank pulley myself and there was zero damage)

Then he said he pulled the rod bearings and they are toasted i agree to the repair but ask him to send me blackstone Lab results (to this day never got the email with the supposed attachment)

All Bearings (sends a pic of 4 random bearings) Weeks go by excuses (wrong p/n, backorder, etc) I agree to it and asked for all parts back he gave me 3 bearings SMH from who knows what car or engine.

After the bearings are "replaced' he says one of the rods is bad but he can source a used one.

After that he says everything is fine car drivers great but recommends that the timing chain might be stretched and i should replace i decline and agree to a pick up date.

The day before my pick up date my rear turbo magically goes bad and i have VANOS codes and crank hub is fucked. He then says i need high flow drain lines or new lines plus a timing chain and he can replace solenoids at cost. At this point i wanted the car back i agree and setup a final date after arguing over the phone that this is ridiculous.

(May 16 2018) picked the car late at night and make the drive home.

After receiving the car i start noticing issues.

OEM turbos are installed i paid for PURE turbos

Literally nothing that he upsold was done plus work was not finished.

motor mount is not fully bolted down

O2 sensors wiring is fucked

intake manifold has stripped bolt

Valve cleaning is not done

check my front main seal it's still the original meaning nothing internal was done.

I Confronted him about it and he says he has the invoice from PURE in his desk agrees to send it to me but i never get it.

I had already been in contact with PURE before confronting him about the Turbos and they had already confirmed they're not PURE turbos.

He then says it was a mistake by his mechanic blah blah blah.

Agrees to refund

Paypals me 1/4 of the amount and then says his paypal is locked and he will do a bank transfer.

Bank transfer never came.

Contacted my credit card company and been dealing with them since. This guys is some trash
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
E90 335xi
@supra2k6 That is frightening as hell. I could basically put my name in place of yours and have the EXACT same story. Originally I was lured in by the group by on e90post. I was unable to complete in the time frame, but he assured me he would keep a spot open for me when I could make it in. Fast forward to July 2018, and from there my story is about the exact same as yours.

He has also told me verbatim "I have never had a customer leave unhappy" - He also likes to carry on with at-length unnecessary specifics about parts and ancillaries around every turn. No less than 4 times I was told car was ready to go, and would be on a transport that day. Only to be contacted either late night or the NEXT DAY offering and excuse as to something went wrong.

I too have asked him numerous times for proof of parts ordered, receipts, bill of lading, tracking, anything that would indicate he is doing work on my car, and he always promises and never delivers. So far in six months I have received a picture of my car sitting in his back lot in grass as a "proof of life" - a box that had my name on the outside supposedly containing my new clutch and flywheel, and a shot of some random engine that he claims was the replacement engine for mine. Like you, the list of suggested fixes to make the car optimal went on and on and on. Oil pan gasket, vanos issues, crankshaft sensors, rear main seal, timing chain, sprockets, camshaft, and then the nail in the coffin supposedly was that "someone" had previously attempted to repair the car using JBweld on a bolt at the crank hub. Yet, no pictures were ever provided of said issues, or replacement parts or anything along those lines, just an assurance that they are "an authorized parts shop and have a lifetime guarantee on parts".

I did a chargeback on my credit card which he is now battling. I told him, finish the car, you get your money, easy as that. He complained that he would now have a negative mark on his square account and that it would last forever, and he was not happy about that. He went on and on for almost an hour talking about how that would hurt his business, and if I was going to do that, he would not have proceeded with fixing the busted engine.

Thankfully at this point, I am not into him for any money. My issue right now is that he still has the car, and based on what I have read here, it is very questionable whether or not the car would even able to be driven. I drove it 6.5 hours to NJ without a hiccup, and prior to taking it there I personally replaced HPFP, High and Low pressure sensors, all new index 12 injectors, new PVC valve, new serpentine belt, and brand new head gasket. Also I installed brand new CP BOV, and 5" intercooler the weekend prior to sending it there. On top of that the thermostat and water pump and Oil filter housing gasket was replaced around 8 months prior. The thing should have been in the best condition it could be in since I bought it.

When questioning him how it was possible that there are tons of other people with the exact same setup as mine, and no major issues like the ones that were coming up on my car, he quickly deferred to "everyone has problems all the time, no one is going to post about them all the time, and I as a repair shop am not going to tell you that something could POSSIBLY happen when I don't know for sure."

To be honest, from what I can gather, it almost sounds as if he is running some type of ponzi scheme. Promise the world to people use the collateral and payments from other people to finish the current cars, then milk the next jobs, to make enough money to fix the prior jobs. Either that, or perhaps his whole shop is some type of drug front, not entirely sure.

I currently have a signed agreement stating that the car was to be done by Oct 19, and that has come and gone, and just more excuses and more (most likely) imaginary problems. I will be taking my agreement and contacting counsel that I had spoke with prior to see what they suggest as next steps for getting the car back, and recovering costs for rental cars, time lost, and having to acquire a new vehicle due to him being obviously and maliciously negligent.

What a mess.


Oct 26, 2018
Wow this thread is starting to get poppin !!! I hope the shop gets shut down so badly... Everyone wjo was refunded just got the next persons money... Literally its sad. He keeps the bad reviews away by offering money to take it down... Thats why i made a YouTube video amd wrote on here and n54tech and e90post ! I have a recorded phone call of me and him talking and him asking me whats the price to take my video down lol... WHAT A JOKE.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
E90 335xi
He also loves to communicate by phone, trying to avoid proof of conversations. I have been asking him to communicate only via email, with the occasional text. But I think I have enough email proof and signed agreements and text messages to present a pretty solid case. The most recent one he even added on that I would have $250 once the car came back to take it to any dealer I choose to have a full inspection done to verify the work. I just don't understand how he can promise the world to so many people and just straight up lie through his teeth every single day. My only fear is what condition my car is currently in? Will it ever even run again. And after having to buy a new vehicle as a DD ( I had to rent for nearly 2 months), I can exactly dump a ton of cash back into the car. So frustrating.

The strangest part is that like everyone has said, if you go back far enough, he has videos of built N54s left and right. And he also has recent videos on Youtube of him at the tracks at BMW, NC (ironically enough, while my car was at his shop, I actually talked to him that day and he told me he was going to a "master tech class"). I'm not sure if he lost big time putting on someones turbo and then went south or he just started out as a scam artist altogether.


New Member
Nov 14, 2018
2011 E92 335i xDrive 6MT
That's what's so odd to me too. There weren't any bad reviews when I first went to his shop. He was active on E90post and people recommended him as the go to shop in the tri-state area. To be honest I was satisfied when I first got my car back. It drove much better than when I brought it to him. Since our schedules didn't work out he delivered my car to my house, 40 miles from his shop, after he replaced the transmission. I really thought he was an honest mechanic, which why I went back.

But all the "repairs" that followed were the ones that were suspect. He charged me for "replacing" an AC compressor, Power Steering pump, belt tensioner and idler pulley yet none of it fixed the belt squeaking issue. Best part was when he said he didn't run the car after the replacing those parts so the belt might squeak for a little bit but if it keeps squeaking I'd need a new alternator. A shop that works on Camrys was able to do what his team of BMW Master technicians couldn't do.

My experience with ZNM Performance was well over a year ago so I'm not sure I have any recourse.


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
I'm always amazed at when I bring the car in for something routine and it turns out he finds a whole slew of problems that I didn't even see before when working with the car. My personal experience started out alright, I had some issues with the work he did but initially didn't warrant me questioning if he did it or not and now I'm left wondering if any of this was actually done and he just took my money because I took his word for it. But seems like he's been charging people for work that you can't really see unless you spend the time or money to take it apart.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
E90 335xi
I'm always amazed at when I bring the car in for something routine and it turns out he finds a whole slew of problems that I didn't even see before when working with the car. My personal experience started out alright, I had some issues with the work he did but initially didn't warrant me questioning if he did it or not and now I'm left wondering if any of this was actually done and he just took my money because I took his word for it. But seems like he's been charging people for work that you can't really see unless you spend the time or money to take it apart.

Exactly. How would you verify a clutch and flywheel has been replaced with what was promised? Okay, so there should be some noticeable grab and if using SMF some chatter, but how do you know its the brand you paid for? Are you going to shell out another $600-$800 to another shop to rip it all back apart again to verify?

Same thing with internals, like you said, it's parts that are not easily verifiable, or take significant time to investigate. The expense deters people from digging farther into it.


Nov 10, 2017
E90 Sedan LCI 335i FBO MHD E40
I also have good experience with Matt.

Bought 18 index 12 injectors from him before the price went up and 4 came back as faulty a few months ago.
I contacted Matt, got a RMA doc and shipped them back. I cheaped out on the shipping and shipped them w/o door to door tracking.
Surprise surprise, they haven't arrived..
Matt could've just let me deal with it but he stepped up and told me he'd make an exception and warranty these anyway.
Should be getting them next week. That's great customer service in my book.
I hope it works out for you, but since it has yet to pan out, please update us on the result.
Hopefully he doesnt claim surprise surprise right back and say he sent them but doesnt. Maybe he reads this and it increases your odds of not getting screwed.

Well, you were right. I'll just leave the conversation here :

Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at 22.51.31.png

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Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at 22.52.59.png

he's been bulshitting me for more than a month about shipping 4 injectors. Yeah right, oem parts shop doesn't have 4 injectors in stock to ship.
I gave him more than enough benefit of the doubt as you can see abocve, he's just a fucking scammer.

Oh well, there goes my lifetime warranty...

In case you're wondering, the phone call was just same crappy excuses and promises of refunds and store credit which of course didn't arrive.

Fuck him is all i have to say.
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The Banshee

Nov 18, 2017
Lehigh Valley PA
2008 335xi coupe 6466 MT
Please fill out the New Jersey Attorney General form I have linked above and mail it. Let’s add warranty fraud to the list of charges.

Now is the time as the office takes 4 to 6 weeks and my paperwork and documentation has already been submitted. I can tell you the office is interested in written documentation submitted via form and not phone calls complaining.
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Dec 4, 2018
BMW E92 335i | Pure Stage 2
Matt tried to rip me off for around $3.5k for a set of Forgestar wheels and tires. 4 months ended up going by and I had to threaten to bring him to court in order to get the money back. He fabricated a fake store out in the west and kept blaming them for not shipping. I had to get to the bottom of it and called and asked the store info. Has he dropped the name "Nevada Fast Lane Motorsport" on anyone else? Its a non existent company! He claimed they don’t contact the downline customer, only him. I refused and asked for their email. He made a fake email account and messaged me through there. I could not believe he thought I was so stupid. It was a HUGE mess. Was going to the guy for over a year and finally almost got ripped off big time. He need some to be shut down immediately.
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Dec 4, 2018
BMW E92 335i | Pure Stage 2
Yooo omg dude i feel your pain !!! Same shit happened to me ! I got all the text as proof as he owes me $2,635. I got the same start too, hmu to "sponsor me" then when i had car issues with a knock noise that ended up being the ac compressor clutch, he told me i had rod knock, so i went to him which turned into needing a new motor due to low compression in cylinders 2 & 6 and fuel mixed with oil was his diagnosis. He recommended i get index 12 injectors a new motor, so i got a used 65k mile motor from him that he said "for me he will do all gaskets and seals for free" from what i see they are all new gaskets. This was mid june got the motor on july 26th. After that i ordered all parts from him such as inlets, outlets, stock turbos, injectors and other miscellaneous parts. This was on july 26th. Paid all in full. On August 15st i was told he had ALL MY PARTS READY. When i went i got the excuse of the locked cabinet also in between the waiting process i requested the stock turbos ne refunded for frankenturbos... BIG MISTAKE. Matt told me he had a good connection with Doug from frankenturbos and he could get me a "deal never to be repeated" so i took the deal. 2 months later still received no parts and always got excuses on how turbos were back ordered etc... You guys get the point... So i went there finally after being feed up with excuses. Mind you process started mid june and i waited patiently till late Septemberish before finally going to his shop. When i got there he had told me if the stuff wasnt it that week he would refund me everything. CLEARLY MEANING HE HAD NOTHING !!! so i waiting to be paypal refunded as he said he wud refund the turbos on paypal and the rest cash. So now we are up to date. October 26th 2018. I just got $1060 in cash yesterday at his shop. And only $260 "cleared paypal" according to Matt so he owes me 1315 still from PayPal which he told me yesterday if it didnt clear PayPal i could pick up cash today... & How ironic but he wasnt there today. So i will be going tomorrow aa he stated that i can pick it up tomorrow. Wish me luck boys. This guy is a fuckin joke & scam artist. To top it off he wanted me to film for him as i have a Youtube channel with my buddy building our cars my 335i & his 2jz swapped 240sx. So i will be sure to post on there and every forum i can about his shitty scam business. Fyi i work for police and he knows and he still did this lol so yea... I seen 5 people already say this same story on this post alone in under 24 hours so i can only imagine if we get this out to the public even more how many people will come forward with the same story ! Good luck my 335i brothers !

This is my EXACT story for 6 months waiting on wheels and tires. And looking back I can remember more times he definitely scammed me... rod bearings, “fried dme”. It makes me sick the amount of money I’ve dumped to this guy for I’m sure zero work done. Filling out Attorney General complaint with all documentation now.
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Jan 7, 2017
Just catching up on this thread - last looked at it about a week ago. Holy crap. This guy is so going to jail.


Dec 4, 2018
Gentlemen, its about time i pop into this thread. I will explain my whole situation soon. But i am in need of an attorney or some legal counsel. And could anybody recommend someone to me? Please PM me. I am in the process of getting a "refund" from Matt, however i still have no results almost a week later.

I am currently out around 9k, and when i towed my car away, it was in worse shape than when i brought it in and NON-Drive-able and perhaps even wrecked. I am in the process of having it examined by a different shop currently.

Feel free to PM me about my situation, i wish to keep it private until i have it sorted out on my end.
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Jan 7, 2017
Gentlemen, its about time i pop into this thread. I will explain my whole situation soon. But i am in need of an attorney or some legal counsel. And could anybody recommend someone to me? Please PM me. I am in the process of getting a "refund" from Matt, however i still have no results almost a week later.

I am currently out around 9k, and when i towed my car away, it was in worse shape than when i brought it in and NON-Drive-able and perhaps even wrecked. I am in the process of having it examined by a different shop currently.

Feel free to PM me about my situation, i wish to keep it private until i have it sorted out on my end.
I think your best bet is to fill out the form linked above for the NJ Attorney General to help stop this guy from contining to steal from more good people like you. I’m sorry to say that I seriously doubt this guy would be able to pay you back even if you successfully sued him. Lawyer fees will likely be $5K-$10K too. It all sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me, and like Bernie Madoff, Matt will go to jail too - as long as the NJ AG gets enough complaints. Lots of people got burnt badly. Sorry, but I suspect there is very little you can do to get your money back without him stealing from more people.
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