My AFR's are all over the place, please read

Apr 22, 2019
2008 BMW 135i
Apologies in advance if this isnt the correct section of the forum to post in. Im having a very weird issue where my AFR is jumping into the 20s every couple of seconds and my STFT's are pegging at 34 when this happens then going to -34 right away. I just recently did a turbo swap on my car (Pure) and relocated inlets, ive been having this issue ever since. Here is a datalog of the issue, it only happens on partial throttle and does not happen while in boost.

I have the following parts brand new (NGK 95770, Ignition coils, 02 sensors that are about 5k km old) i also have replaced all vacuum lines and double checked them all. The car is currently on MHD Stage 2+. Its also worth mentioning that im on index 6 and index 9 injectors, both sensors in the charge pipe and IM were recently cleaned aswell.

Im at wits end with this problem as i dont know what to check anymore so im reaching out for help.


Nov 17, 2016
Henderson, NV
E92 335, F10 M5
A lot of variables but I'll give a quick outline of my thoughts if it was my car

To see if it wasn't the more common leaking injector or stuck open etc or faulty 02. I'd do the following

Connect battery charger / trickle charger and make sure car 100% juiced up

Reflash map

Let sit for 5 minutes locked to make sure dme shuts down after flash.

reset all adaptations don't start car

reset all adaptations a second time, don't start car

With car off, press gas pedal to floor then ignition button twice to get dummy lights on

keeping pedal to floor, wait 10 seconds and press ignition one time so dummy lights off

hold pedal down continuously for just over 2 minutes, then release and turn ignition all the way off.

Start logging, then start the car normally.

Let the car idle for 10 minutes if no obvious erratic behavior after start. Ignore fluctuations in trims if car is idling ok.

After 10-12 minutes of idle flip car off and post log here for next step if trims don't settle and issue persists.
Apr 22, 2019
2008 BMW 135i
I will try this at home tonight, couple of questions.
1) What does this procedure do ?
2) when im holding the pedal to the floor and pressing the ignition twice should i have the key in the ignition or out ?

Apr 22, 2019
2008 BMW 135i
1) Throttle calibration procedure.
2) Key stays in ignition. You want the DME to wake up and turn your dashboard lights on (engine stays off)
Sounds good, and im resetting all adaptations within MHD correct ? not just the lambada ones. Its also worth mentioning that my o2 sensors were completely black when i took out my down-pipes, im not sure if this is normal or not but they are not very old (less then 5K KM)
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Nov 17, 2016
Henderson, NV
E92 335, F10 M5
You can skip throttle and don't reset the battery

Normal they're black. Just exhaust fumes

These are just steps towards process of elimination to confirm if it is the usual suspects (injector / sensor)

*edited to be clear battery is not to be reset
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Apr 22, 2019
2008 BMW 135i
You can skip throttle and don't reset the battery

Normal they're black. Just exhaust fumes

These are just steps towards process of elimination to confirm if it is the usual suspects (injector / sensor)

*edited to be clear battery is not to be reset
R.G im an idiot, i had the "ADV o2 kit installed" checked off in the MHD options, i must have hit it with my finger...The car is running great now, pulls hard. Do you think i would have caused any damage ? also is it normal for fuel trims to sometime go into the 20s ? but not stay there ?

wow im an idiot haha