n54 single turbo drag build


Nov 28, 2016
2007 335i 2008 535i
I think Tony is right. With that said OP had a good base. After he snaps the axles, he just need to do the 4L80 with a trans brake along with the 8.8 rear end and maybe he will get into 9s

If OP runs 10s with a 6MT I will still be impressed.


Dec 1, 2017
2009 135i
I joined this forum just to follow this build. Been following N54 progress since 2007 and always thought that going back to basics would be the key to making a quick 1/4 mile car. Domestic guys do 9's with way less power than big turbo N54 guys. On paper I don't see why it isn't possible, but like Tony said people have been trying for years and cant do it for some reason.

If it was me I would:
Pull everything outta the car that's unnecessary - all interior minus dash and drivers seat (add a 9 sec legal cage)
2 or 3 speed domestic auto transmission w/ appropriate torque converter
8.8 rear diff w/ strong axles and gearing set up for your tire size transmission ratios, power band -- (Has anyone considered a solid rear axle swap on these cars? Think 03-04 Cobras)
biggest slicks you can fit with skinny's up front
double adjustable drag shocks to get some weight transfer

good Luck OP. And Tony, instead of talking crap why not come up with some valid arguments on HOW to get into the 9's on this platform. If he was running your turbos I bet your tone would be different
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Dec 6, 2016
Oh dam so i didnt know you had to build the motor the runs 9's better go tell the ausies that.being that they will be in the 9's any day now on a stock motor and rear end...why are you so salty? just because its never been done before? Or was it the fact that you tried and failed?? Theres more than 1 way to skin a cat.i like to do testing my self.and not take results from a vender. I agree 9's isnt going to easy by any means. By why have a goal to run 10's when its been done 100 times. Need to step up and set a higher one.

Um no thanks, there are many things you do not have, and one major thing you do have that will keep you from 9's. The stock motor is a huge one, and the 6MT is another huge one. So wait, it's the 28" tires, and skinnies that are going to do it for you? Oh ok, got it. We have been doing this before you owned a 335. So yes I am smarter than when it comes to fast N54's.

Oh, look 28" slicks, and skinnies on a 335 2 years ago. If you want me to be blunt, your car WONT go 9's. My guess is after 2-3 times to the track, and the car is still running 11's you will stop posting. Anyways, calling out the person who has done more pushing than anyone on this platform is a stupid plan... Cheers

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Dec 6, 2016
No one asked you to come up in my thread being a debby downer.if you dont like it. Then stop commenting on my shit..every reply i have ever seen from you its always negative instead of giving some advice, your just a dick. No wonder this whole community hates you. And makes fun of you.your a joke for a vender.

LOL. Sure you can..... Nothing more fun than someone coming into the platform, and making all sorts of claims he is not going to back up. So you have a car that is going to run 9's with no cage, a 6MT, a stock motor, the list goes on. I was being nice, now I am just flat calling you out, if you want to put some money on it, we can do that too.


Oct 28, 2017
what was launch weight of Tonys 10.6 launch? if i understand right, it was on 1/2 mile launches full weight 335i, prox 3650 lbs or so and if silent get that to 2850 lbs without driver and then push this one to sub 3000 lbs with lightweight driver, for sure it will make this one stupid quick.
i`m little suspious about 9`s but my opinion is that low 10`s is possible with this.
that 2850 lbs on 4 door saloon 335 is hard to archieve for sure, sunroof is one no no, car must be totally gutted, and
lexan is suitable material for windows, cf hood and trunk, maybe cf doors....
manual mt6 is some over 40lbs lighter than at6, with lightweight flywheel and multidisc clutch.
on at6 (135i) i launch on second gear and 4th is stretching just to finishing line so only 2 shifts on that one.
up to date i have done launches only with street radials and totally unprepped airfield strip so i don`t have any clue
how it hook on dr2`s and prepped drag strip.

i will follow this build for sure
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Dec 6, 2016
what was launch weight of Tonys 10.6 launch? if i understand right, it was on 1/2 mile launches full weight 335i, prox 3650 lbs or so and if silent get that to 2850 lbs without driver and then push this one to sub 3000 lbs with lightweight driver, for sure it will make this one stupid quick.
i`m little suspious about 9`s but my opinion is that low 10`s is possible with this.
that 285lbs on 4door saloon 335 is hard to archeve for sure, sunroof is one no no, car must be totally gutted, and
lexan is suitable material for windows, cf hood and trunk, maybe cf doors....
manual mt6 is some over 40lbs lighter than at6, with lightweight flywheel and multidisc clutch.
on at6 (135i) i launch on second gear and 4th is stretching just to finishing line so only 2 shifts on that one.
up to date i have done launches only with street radials and totally unprepped airfield strip so i don`t have any clue
how it hook on dr2`s and prepped drag strip.

i will follow this build for sure

Yea 3000 race weight with me in it .being that I weigh 150. I have everything in line to make it to 2850.


Oct 28, 2017
150 lbs with gears on.. i must cut some 70 lbs to arcieve that. maybe 190cm to 160cm decapitation or so?
and after that 4 weeks without food.
thank god 1 have 135 for start on weight reduction.
i gutted only some 300lbs of my 135 but it`s 365 dailydrived one so there should be kept sound isolation,
door panels,ac, sunroof, el windows, stereos and things like that.
agressive gutting could push a 135 to some 2500-2600lbs but it`s not any streetable after that.

exhaust like yours, maybe 40 lbs
sunroof maybe 30 lbs
sound isolation maybe 50 lbs
ultra small li-ion battery maybe 25 lbs
cf hood and trunk maybe 40 lbs
cf doors maybe 80 lbs
lexan glasses maybe 40 lbs
rid of second seat 20 lbs
ac maybe 30 lbs
stereos maybe 20 lbs
cf bumpers, strip cylinder head isolation, etc from engine department maybe 30 lbs

there could be 2700 lbs barrier arcieved.
Nov 5, 2016
Bay Area
Like I said, you are talk talk talking a lot. Get it to the track, and report back to us with your times. You have left so many things out of this car to even run a 10 with a 6MT, let alone a 9. Also my offer of put some money on it still stands. You 100% will not get anywhere close to a 9 with the set up you are currently displaying here. Call me a debbie downer, if a debbie downer is a realist with much more platform experience than you, so be it. As for the Assuies. You mean Aussie, the dude running a fucking 2 speed power glide? LOL ok then, great comparsion to your 6MT.
Nov 5, 2016
Bay Area
150 lbs with gears on.. i must cut some 70 lbs to arcieve that. maybe 190cm to 160cm decapitation or so?
and after that 4 weeks without food.
thank god 1 have 135 for start on weight reduction.
i gutted only some 300lbs of my 135 but it`s 365 dailydrived one so there should be kept sound isolation,
door panels,ac, sunroof, el windows, stereos and things like that.
agressive gutting could push a 135 to some 2500-2600lbs but it`s not any streetable after that.

exhaust like yours, maybe 40 lbs
sunroof maybe 30 lbs
sound isolation maybe 50 lbs
ultra small li-ion battery maybe 25 lbs
cf hood and trunk maybe 40 lbs
cf doors maybe 80 lbs
lexan glasses maybe 40 lbs
rid of second seat 20 lbs
ac maybe 30 lbs
stereos maybe 20 lbs
cf bumpers, strip cylinder head isolation, etc from engine department maybe 30 lbs

there could be 2700 lbs barrier arcieved.
Terry's 135 which we have currently is completely gutted, COMPLETELY gutted. He also has an aluminum exhaust, bumper supports etc. It still weighs 2900 lbs with him in it.
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Oct 28, 2017
that estimate i did on 2700 was without a driver so terrys 2900 is for sure so low it could go on a 135.
tony, thank you for idea of aluminium bumper supports :).

i will propably keep my at sub 3100 lbs wo driver
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Dec 8, 2016
Like I said, you are talk talk talking a lot. Get it to the track, and report back to us with your times. You have left so many things out of this car to even run a 10 with a 6MT, let alone a 9. Also my offer of put some money on it still stands. You 100% will not get anywhere close to a 9 with the set up you are currently displaying here. Call me a debbie downer, if a debbie downer is a realist with much more platform experience than you, so be it. As for the Assuies. You mean Aussie, the dude running a fucking 2 speed power glide? LOL ok then, great comparsion to your 6MT.
Where are your 9s ? I’m the only one hitting the 9s soon


Oct 28, 2017
9,5 lbs gutted from front end of my 135, i didn`t even taught about that before tony throw it in my sight.
16 lbs to 6,5lbs scaled.

i must do some recearch if there is more to throw away.
like i told, with " unlimited" access to tools and parts this was easy one, 15 feet long rolling bending machine and
hardened aluminium tube and few hours of work.



Oct 28, 2017
ended with 12lbs weight loss from front end, second horn, horn bracket,cables, etc.
not bad for 3 hour work.
i could hope every 3 hour could be as productive than this ones, it could easy be best spent 300 hours or so to gut
1200 lbs off :) without destroy drive ability or comfort.


Oct 27, 2016
Terry's 135 which we have currently is completely gutted, COMPLETELY gutted. He also has an aluminum exhaust, bumper supports etc. It still weighs 2900 lbs with him in it.

He actually still has his door covers and the dash as well as all AC/Heater. I think he could still take down another 200# if he's going to strip it the way my 135i is.


Platinum Vendor
Jan 23, 2017
Terry's 135 which we have currently is completely gutted, COMPLETELY gutted. He also has an aluminum exhaust, bumper supports etc. It still weighs 2900 lbs with him in it.

IIRC 2975# with me in it and 3 gallons of gas when on the race battery. The roll cage added back some weight which offset the carpet and seat rails we removed. :) But I'm sure we can remove more weight if the need comes up. I sort of like having AC for the staging lanes but if I give up on that, maybe pull the entire HVAC system, I bet there is another 30-40# there, another 30# with a carbon hood, etc.

Weight loss thread here: http://www.n54tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26696&page=10





May 4, 2017
Plano TX
30psi+ off the line with the very rudimentary version of flash only anti-lag I cooked up :cool:
6MT looking to actually go fast will be very happy with that and some other pending goodies.

@jyamona is this like the dual HPFP control you cooked up?

Or is it like flex fuel?

I appreciate the fully baked nature of your releases (unlike some other flash projects out there bricking people's DME's), and that you are doing this on the side on your own time. I also think you are WAY undercharging for your product/features. But quoting non-existent features is starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf.

All we see is vaporware in the truest of definition.

COMPUTING informal
  1. software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.