N54 Precision Raceworks Ignition Group Buy! - DBV2


Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive

They don't have every turbo kit possible to test. I already gave you a good reply; use the best of your knowledge to make a decision. PR made this kit tk fit stock engines but it fits almost all aftermarket modifications. Had the owner of Jpworkz not screwed over so many people there would have been more kits out im the world which means more people who could confirm if they fit. Those kits are so rare because he failed to deliver them to a lot of people and he's being sued for it, yet somehow you expect precision to know his kit when there's no way they would have access to one. The best you can do is ask of you can get a refund if it doesn't fit. When it comes to heavily modifying your car (like a single turbo kit) it's your responsibility to figure out what works or doesnt. Had you bought a known kit you could have found people who could confirm the fit or you could have simply email the creaters of the kit and ask them, but we all know JP doesn't respond to anyone anymore.
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Jan 23, 2017
Yes we will have to wait until after the GB is over until shipping can begin. Precision is just waiting on its new boots to arrive before we can give a 100 percent date for shipping.

I’ll have a good solid update today from Precision as to what our options are. Thanks.


Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
Yes we will have to wait until after the GB is over until shipping can begin. Precision is just waiting on its new boots to arrive before we can give a 100 percent date for shipping.

I’ll have a good solid update today from Precision as to what our options are. Thanks.

Then why did you extend it? Had I known I was waiting a month to save a few dollars I would have just bought it from PR. This whole thing should been known before anyone sent payments. Especially since you originally said its shipping once 10 people pay, not at the end of the month.

Please remove me from the list and refund my money. I'm not waiting until mid may to get the kit.
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Jan 23, 2017
It was a communication error on my part with Precision. There was no intent to mislead. Even if you buy it now from PR, it won’t come with all of the new revised parts. Money being refunded.


Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
All I wanted was the kit with the new connectors that they are got. They received 160, but aparently they decided to ship these to prior customers which makes no sense. These people already have it installed and don't need them, anyone buying new who doesn't want to repin them to install. The people who already had them installed could have waited.

I'm getting my car back together in a week or two and I wanted to have these by then. Since they won't arrive and PR has none because they gave them out to prior customers and now you say they don't have any at all well that caused me to loose interest in ever buying them again. I posted about it a while ago trying to get a kit from him with the new connectors and i even asked to preorder for first dibs and not once did PR ever respond or message me. I just assumed they were going to wait till they got more to send them out but I've already seen that as not the case.

I'm not mad, nor do I blame you. This is PRs fault ( reached out and nothing) I'm just not going bother upgrading anymore unless I run into missfire issues which I never had to begin with. This was more a preventative.

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Nov 3, 2016
Aston pa
They don't have every turbo kit possible to test. I already gave you a good reply; use the best of your knowledge to make a decision. PR made this kit tk fit stock engines but it fits almost all aftermarket modifications. Had the owner of Jpworkz not screwed over so many people there would have been more kits out im the world which means more people who could confirm if they fit. Those kits are so rare because he failed to deliver them to a lot of people and he's being sued for it, yet somehow you expect precision to know his kit when there's no way they would have access to one. The best you can do is ask of you can get a refund if it doesn't fit. When it comes to heavily modifying your car (like a single turbo kit) it's your responsibility to figure out what works or doesnt. Had you bought a known kit you could have found people who could confirm the fit or you could have simply email the creaters of the kit and ask them, but we all know JP doesn't respond to anyone anymore.
Not only are you a moron, you’re a big cry baby too. Jpworkz kits rare? Probably the most common single turbo kit next to doc race. They are aware their kit had fitment issues with a jp kit and were working on a revision that would fit.
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Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
Not only are you a moron

A moron... Really... This is coming from someone who askes the question
Will this fit woth a topmount kit, specifically a jpworkz kit?

When you had previously posted in a thread that actually installed PR coils on a JPWorkz Kit!!!




you’re a big cry baby too.

Sorry, not everyone is like you and willing forever for a product to be delivered when they were told it would be sooner. You expected your JPworkz kit much sooner, yet instead you got a small refund for waiting 13+ weeks. If were truly a patient man as you claim you wouldnt have accepted that refund.


When i made my payment i was under the asumption it would be shipped once 10 kits paid, which didnt seem long since since 4 people paid the first day and many more would have continued to do so if they thought it was shipping soon. I only wanted the new plug and play connectors with my kit. I didnt care about the new plug boots, i only wanted a kit with plug and play connectors that they had received recently. I needed this within a few weeks not 6-8 weeks for delivery.

I dont blame the GB, or the vender. This was a misscomunication issue where PR didnt give him enough details and PR didnt seem to care about me as a new customer since they never once reached out after i replied to there thread wanting a kit with a set of those 180 new connectors they received.

Jpworkz kits rare? Probably the most common single turbo kit next to doc race.

Yeah, most common for screwing people over. They were even removed from this forum for not delivering the kits. JPworkz isnt even in the same league as Doc Race Thats like comparing a bmw M3 to a 328 acting like they are equals.

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Nov 2, 2016
All I wanted was the kit with the new connectors that they are got. They received 160, but aparently they decided to ship these to prior customers which makes no sense. These people already have it installed and don't need them, anyone buying new who doesn't want to repin them to install. The people who already had them installed could have waited.

I'm getting my car back together in a week or two and I wanted to have these by then. Since they won't arrive and PR has none because they gave them out to prior customers and now you say they don't have any at all well that caused me to loose interest in ever buying them again. I posted about it a while ago trying to get a kit from him with the new connectors and i even asked to preorder for first dibs and not once did PR ever respond or message me. I just assumed they were going to wait till they got more to send them out but I've already seen that as not the case.

I'm not mad, nor do I blame you. This is PRs fault ( reached out and nothing) I'm just not going bother upgrading anymore unless I run into missfire issues which I never had to begin with. This was more a preventative.


Who is entitled to the first sets, produced as a fitment test that may not have even fit correctly? People who recently purchased before a major change like this? Previous customers who had early support and want to upgrade? New customers only? First come first serve? Test batch lags what, 3 weeks behind the production run... sadly 180 loose connectors can't make everybody happy but it seems you're being a tad dramatic about it.

AFAIK they are shipping with new kits and to some shops and individuals who had not yet installed with a little better luck than you. Sorry man. In about a week there will be enough for everyone.
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Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
Who is entitled to the first sets, produced as a fitment test that may not have even fit correctly? People who recently purchased before a major change like this? Previous customers who had early support and want to upgrade? New customers only? First come first serve? Test batch lags what, 3 weeks behind the production run... sadly 180 loose connectors can't make everybody happy but it seems you're being a tad dramatic about it.

Lets see this is what PR said.

The new connectors were designed in house as most everything we do is and work directly with the terminals we have provided with our kits since their concept stage. This means so long as the terminals were not damaged in any way they can be inserted into our connectors and will lock in place ready to use. We will be offering them to everyone, people who purchased before these came into existance will be able to purchase a pack of 6 at a discount for a short period of time. Those who want to make their own coil kits or have other coil kits but want upgraded connectors will be able to order as well.

PR said they are offering them to everyone. After PR posted that immediately posted this after reading it on APR 23rd.


I created a thread asking people who might be interested in a group buy and it looks like we have some interested. I really didnt expect to see these anytime soon since you said Q3/Q4, so we can order them as soon as 4/30? Is there a pre-order link somewhere, I'd love to grab a set to go with my GC 2.0's (once vargas finishes the rebuild here soon)


He said he's offering them to everyone which means first come first serve and i was even willing to pre-order at full price, but what he said wasnt true because he never responded to my post, never reached out about buying a kit with them or a preorder option instead weeks later I see the connectors posted up online/facebook by previous customers who already had there kits installed.

AFAIK they are shipping with new kits and to some shops and individuals who had not yet installed with a little better luck than you. Sorry man. In about a week there will be enough for everyone.

Those people purchased there kits before it was annouced, they knew what they bought and expected to have to swap the wires around. If you purchased them before the new parts are out thats not anyones fault but the customers. Thats why i waited to buy and asked questions and tried to pre-order them because i wasnt going to buy the kit and have to deal with wire swapping. Those people were prefectly fine with doing that already so them waiting a little longer isnt an issue since they knew what they were buying at the time they bought it. This happens every day in life, you buy an Iphone 7 in septemeber then a month later an Iphone 8 comes out. You dont just get the new iphone 8 because you purchased the 7 a month before you knew a new version was coming out.
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Jan 24, 2018
Charleston, SC
N54/3 1er ///Mutt
Why are you so upset? If you need coils now get a refund and buy a kit of your choice. No one is anchoring you to this.

Also, while I agree with you on the JP/fraudfab stuff, the vendor running the group buy asked for clutter of that sort to be taken elsewhere.
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Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
Why are you so upset? If you need coils now get a refund and buy a kit of your choice. No one is anchoring you to this.

Also, while I agree with you on the JP/fraudfab stuff, the vendor running the group buy asked for clutter of that sort to be taken elsewhere.

Not upset. Disappointed in the shipping times so I asked for a refund and they will get it to me when they can. I'm just defending myself because I had specific reasons to backing out of the group which I'm being called out for.
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Jan 23, 2017
Buster84 refund was sent back within 10 minutes of you asking, can you confirm it’s been received? I don’t want there to be an issue there is all.

Guys if I’ve forgotten anyone on the list please notify me, I am doing my best to get everyone’s information 100 percent. Thank you.


Mar 24, 2018
335 bmw xdrive
Buster84 refund was sent back within 10 minutes of you asking, can you confirm it’s been received? I don’t want there to be an issue there is all.

Guys if I’ve forgotten anyone on the list please notify me, I am doing my best to get everyone’s information 100 percent. Thank you.

Strange I never got an email about it, but after I logged in my paypal account and it shows refunded.

I just wished I could have gotten the kit for my install sometime next week ish for when I get the car all put back together, but that's ok. I'll worry about the upgrade when I actually run into missfire issues one day.

Thanks again for the group buy offer!


Jan 23, 2017
Strange I never got an email about it, but after I logged in my paypal account and it shows refunded.

I just wished I could have gotten the kit for my install sometime next week ish for when I get the car all put back together, but that's ok. I'll worry about the upgrade when I actually run into missfire issues one day.

Thanks again for the group buy offer!

Anytime man, sorry we couldn’t have helped more.

And good wanted to make sure we were squared up. Thanks again. :)


Mar 31, 2018
'10 535i, '09 X5 4.8l, '07 525
I went to go clean this thread up... But that would mean the entire thing outside of the first post would need dumped.

Delete these and the tread will still make sense without removing relevant information
· Saturday at 11:43 AM
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· Sunday at 7:48 AM
· Sunday at 8:07 AM
· Sunday at 9:48 AM
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· Sunday at 10:27 AM
· Sunday at 10:48 AM
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