Beef Shrick Stage 1 Low-Lift cam results


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
See this is the type of attitude in this thread that makes vendors stop developing products.

How many new products have you seen being released for the n54 platform in the last 2 years.

Covid actually helped with new development as manufacturers hunkered down and started developing new stuff
but n54 is not on the list.

I asked a few if they still supported the n54 platform and the response on most was no as they are sick of getting attacked and ridiculed
and have moved on to newer more profitable platforms where china turbo boys are not trying to get everything for nothing.

Don't shoot the messenger this is just the general feeling in the industry from what I have experienced.


Jan 6, 2019
335i E92 DCT
@martymil . you can call my posts dumb. Do whatever your mind is capable of. But if you do, please react like a grown up and answer with appropriate answers.

You are a great mechanic. But turning bolts doesn´t make you a genius in electronics. I don´t see where i hurt your feelings but it seems i did. I don´t care, but the way you behave and rate my comments dumb wihtout an educated answer makes you look like.. really not the brightest candle on the cake :) I am happy you know how a torque wrench works. Wish you the best.

I asked a few if they still supported the n54 platform and the response on most was no as they are sick of getting attacked and ridiculed
and have moved on to newer more profitable platforms where china turbo boys are not trying to get everything for nothing.

Don't shoot the messenger this is just the general feeling in the industry from what I have experienced.

oh and one addition. You know shit about the market.
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Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
@martymil . you can call my posts dumb. Do whatever your mind is capable of. But if you do, please react like a grown up and answer with appropriate answers.

You are a great mechanic. But turning bolts doesn´t make you a genius in electronics. I don´t see where i hurt your feelings but it seems i did. I don´t care, but the way you behave and rate my comments dumb wihtout an educated answer makes you look like.. really not the brightest candle on the cake :) I am happy you know how a torque wrench works. Wish you the best.

oh and one addition. You know shit about the market.

I call your posts dumb because you are speculating with no proof and have no idea about the product or where it comes
from with no hard facts, you never held the product in your hand and if you did you wouldn't be saying this rubbish so your
opinion is just that and nothing else.

Just like you have no idea what I know and just another dumb speculation from you.

This is why vendors don't get involved with forums your the perfect poster boy for it.
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Jul 17, 2019
2009 e93 335i
See this is the type of attitude in this thread that makes vendors stop developing products.

How many new products have you seen being released for the n54 platform in the last 2 years.

Covid actually helped with new development as manufacturers hunkered down and started developing new stuff
but n54 is not on the list.

I asked a few if they still supported the n54 platform and the response on most was no as they are sick of getting attacked and ridiculed
and have moved on to newer more profitable platforms where china turbo boys are not trying to get everything for nothing.

Don't shoot the messenger this is just the general feeling in the industry from what I have experienced.
New twins being released every week still and vargas is still making new stuff all the time
  • Informative
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Lieutenant General
Staff member
Aug 11, 2017
E89 Z4 35i, F10 535d
See this is the type of attitude in this thread that makes vendors stop developing products.

How many new products have you seen being released for the n54 platform in the last 2 years.

Covid actually helped with new development as manufacturers hunkered down and started developing new stuff
but n54 is not on the list.

I asked a few if they still supported the n54 platform and the response on most was no as they are sick of getting attacked and ridiculed
and have moved on to newer more profitable platforms where china turbo boys are not trying to get everything for nothing.

Don't shoot the messenger this is just the general feeling in the industry from what I have experienced.
What a bullshit statement. Don't shoot the messenger? Got a problem standing behind your words?

You just don't like it when people have a different view than yours, and ESPECIALLY you don't like it when they back it up. Sit back, have a beer, and try to messenger a little less. It will serve you well.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
You guys don't like when I call out bullshit and you try and smear anybody that sees differently.

I respect when something gets said to me in confidence and which I will not repeat.

Call it bullshit or what ever you like but it doesn't change anything.

How about you get your facts straight, he is speculating and I speak from experience and using the product which doesn't
come close of being the same as oem and saying stuff like its basically desensitized knock sensors is just dumb.

You guys don't read or comprehend very well whats being written and draw your own conclusions from never never fantasy
land or what ever is getting dreamed up to try and justify dumb statements.

Developing and making is two very different things, take a look at all the b58, s55 and s58 of how much new products are getting developed
compared to n54.

Its a dying bargain filled platform that's flooded with china parts, quality vendors will not try and compete as there is no point.

Most have moved on and the quality these days is questionable as guess where most of it is made to try and compete LOL
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Jul 17, 2019
2009 e93 335i
Yeah I mean most of the stuff is made in China these days. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out its cheaper to produce stuff in China then in United States or basically wherever else. What else can be really developed for the n54 platform? Billet blocks ? Theres topmount manifolds , bottom mount manifolds, cast and tubular. Forward facing and stock location intake manifolds. New 11mm headstuds for n54s. N54 is a 15 year old platform of course its not gonna have as many products being still developed when there's other good newer platforms available. Atleast n54 isn't getting forgotten like the n55. People still are obsessed n54s even if there not making new parts for them. Like what would you want to see developed for the n54 that is currently not available?
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Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Oh there is so much more, we have lots of band aids available to us but no fixes and I wont be naming them
as that's a can of worms I don't want to open.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Crys about people not developing stuff than ask him what he thinks should be developed and says no way id share that with you low level shmucks.... lol ok 😂
This statement just shows the level of comprehension some guys have.

I'm not going to ridicule certain other companies products to get my point across.

Just another cheap shot, just like Chris Rock.


Jan 6, 2019
335i E92 DCT
You guys don't like when I call out bullshit
Nah. Most ppl just don´t like you.

You don´t call out bullshit or anything.
You also do nothing else than speculation without any technical depth behind your shallow words.
In all the posts after my "speculation" with some technical details which are also speculation there was nothing coming from you that was on any kind of level that could be seen as discussion between ppl who can comprehend information or speculation.
I will stop here, because otherwise this could get tldr for you.
If i were you i would read post #201 much more often. Very good advice for ppl like you.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Nah. Most ppl just don´t like you.

You don´t call out bullshit or anything.
You also do nothing else than speculation without any technical depth behind your shallow words.
In all the posts after my "speculation" with some technical details which are also speculation there was nothing coming from you that was on any kind of level that could be seen as discussion between ppl who can comprehend information or speculation.
I will stop here, because otherwise this could get tldr for you.
If i were you i would read post #201 much more often. Very good advice for ppl like you.
Who gives a fuck if a handful of people don't like me LOL :tearsofjoy:


and if you don't like it, tough.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
The VTT crap is just a stock knock sensor with a different resistor. So just a desensitized sensor so that our DME doesn´t trigger as early. The same thing as back when BMS put a resistor between the sensor cable and the dme.
That is not speculation but a big statement to a product you have absolutely no knowledge of, as you never seen, used or held in your hands.

Keep talking shit I'll get you a wheelbarrow so you can fertilize your garden with it as that's about all its worth.
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Jan 6, 2019
335i E92 DCT
So when you are finished crying like a child... will you actually post something interesting about your so cool custom knock sensors and prove they are indeed different? Or just still blowing hot air out of your front arse?
  • Agree
Reactions: Torgus


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
So when you are finished crying like a child... will you actually post something interesting about your so cool custom knock sensors and prove they are indeed different? Or just still blowing hot air out of your front arse?

They are actually not custom but a completely different sensor but since you know so much and know everything go work it out.


Jan 6, 2019
335i E92 DCT
They are actually not custom but a completely different sensor but since you know so much and know everything go work it out.


Straight from the VTT Ad:
We start with factory BMW knock sensors then modify them to suit their new role protecting a built N54 without having to hassle with false knock. $799 per set, plug and play with the N54. Eliminates 95% of false knock on built motors with no changes to the factory DME.

These are the same custom config sensors @Terry@BMS is currently successfully running on his VTT/Rebello motor powered 135. I think it's safe to say Terry is pleased with how well they work but I'll let him comment if he's so inclined.


Brigadier General
Nov 6, 2016
ACF 6466 E92 + METH
Edit: This is why I have this guy banned. I wasted my Saturday morning posting this.


Lol just shows what hypocrite you are, you say you blocked me yet you read and comment on my posts.😁

1st. I did not comment on your post. I commented in the thread.

2nd. Every once in a while I click 'show ignored content'. Usually after I see all the responses from people who generally post educated well thought out responses and I get curious to what garbage you are spewing this time. I know it's you because you are the only one I have ever banned because you post so much detritus I would prefer not to read it. Nothing you post ever adds anything to the discussion or furthers things along. My life is literally better without having to read your dumb ass thoughts that you type onto this forum.

3rd Reading your posts are literally like the Billy Madison meme:

4th. GFY. As said above, people are just getting tired of your shit. You leg hump VTT like you are literally their bitch, always talk shit but never back anything up. Anyone who says something you disagree with is a 'wanker'. You talk a lot of talk but never have anything to show from it. Your twin dynos are laughable at best. It does not appear you have the ability to have an actually discussion with some one without resorting to insults. Your posts are all over the Octagon like VTT. You have been found multiple times posting reviews of your own products under different user names on forums. Literally EVERY single one of your countrymen that I have ever run across talks shit about you. You have to be a real asshole for everyone I run into from Australia, which is a small number, and has shit to talk about you:


Screenshot 2021-03-12 110722.png
<-- Wow he describes you so well!

DMECH1 can't get your name out of mouth. are the same person!?!?!?

Only 44 posts and everyone one of them basically about MAD, Marty, a 135 with GC twins, etc. Talking shit about how a 128 S65 conversion is not a true 1M, god where have we heard this all before?

<--AKA YOU are selling it on FB. On a group you have yet to be banned from.

<-- Your company I mean demech's company I mean...

<-- You are a fucking J O K E

<--The one I supply myself! Runs great! Everything I make, I mean Marty, I mean MAD, I mean dmech1, I mean...look it just run runs great ok?!?

<-- What does his dick taste like? Cuz it is in your mouth constantly. Every other post VTT this, Tony that. I have never seen anyone suck so much vendor cock than you. Australia is owned by the Chinese. VTT is at best a Chinese distributor. Marty likes Chinese cock too?

<-- but you are advertising it by posting Marty. You love talking in the 3rd person huh?

<-- Why not dmech1? You are the same person.

<-- God you love talking about yourself. It is comical. Also, very likely not good for your mental health.


<-- How can you buy a car from yourself and then pat yourself on the back about another car you own...all to post it on a forum for fake 'internet points'. You are a sad man.

My man Socket:


Go back to your failing business and taking money out of retirement, which is literally the stupidest thing you could do, you get a loan from a bank dumbass. I guess this explains why your company would be failing if you make business decisions like this. You NEVER touch retirement funds. This was when you begged Joe to let you be a Vendor but you never paid his very small vendor fee and then tried to rip him off or something to the effect:

Screenshot 2021-03-12 125152.png


You are a bitch. A fraud. A Con Artist. Your mother would be proud.

@fmorelli time to move this to the Octagon so it can die and no one sees how much of a fraud @martymil/dmech1/MAD Auto is ;) or...leave it here because these are facts not feelings.

Is it ok if I make up multiple accounts on SS? Asking for a friend(@martymil).
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