E DIFF E88 135


I have a quaife Lsd fitted but the e lsd has not been coded out.

I am wondering if the e lsd is hampering my acceleration and activating when too much slip is detected.

Is there a way to "log" the e diff?

Also after combing through threads and not finding a consistent answer, has anyone got solid input with the steps to have coded out?

Thanks guys


Holy smokes, that WAS fast.
šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I know right!

There is a lot of conflicting info around lsd and e lsd not playing well together.
I'm particularly interested in straight line acceleration and "hoping" for better draggy numbers..shall see..
On the up side with protools there are so many coding things to look and confuse me more withšŸ˜ƒ
Just be cautious. Research on internet before making changes you don't understand.

To this day I'm still not sure what happened, but I'm convinced it was due to me being too eager with Protools and messing with things I didnt understand... I somehow misaligned my DME with my CAS EWS4 (EWS4 not EWS3) and key fob. What a nightmare that was to get resolved.

But have fun!