
Oct 28, 2017
Monroe CT
09 335i msport le mans 18 x5
You keep repating things that you read in the wrong context. The tuner that could not get it right started tuning before my transmission was upgraded and while he tuned it the transmission blew up and THEN I had to upgrade to a PD. And even after that he could not get it to run even normally. Meanwhile the 2nd tuner got the car to run smoothly on 1st try.

I really don't think you have been paying attention to what I have been telling you.
You just been diggin up old posts about problems that were fixed already.
First I wasnt saying anything to you or about you but you jumped in and you are perfect example. I'm not on either side but like optigrab said these cars are older and are no longer even playing field for tuning. You really gotta know your stuff and i think this market is done , no one should be learning on these cars their are to many seeded tuners that know their stuff.
Also im not digging old stuff unless your telling me you can run xhp , fixed your ekp issue and got to the bottom of your coding issue which all were after your tune review. Also you yourself stated your new tune that was smooth was down on power and not as fast as any of your first tuners revisions you didn't like.
My beef isn't with you personally it's that you are wrong to be doing any reviews and or criticism until you have your car ironed out. All your mods are great but you gotta remember every time a wrench goes under that hood theirs a chance that an error takes place and it's not right to say well xhp bucks violently with the extra load on my transmission so let me flash to stock and go rip on someone for not making a tune that's perfect and can fix my other problems . You my friend may not see it but are exactly what people complain about the guy that expects the tune to change his oil gap his plugs and get you a 1.6 60 ft.
Their def are plenty of AJ's that have to be avoided cause it's real easy to cut and paste and get rich quick. Worse part is those ots copies will prob run good your just not getting what you paid for if your lucky, if your not you get a bucket of BMW parts and a big paper weight.
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Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
First I wasnt saying anything to you or about you but you jumped in and you are perfect example. I'm not on either side but like optigrab said these cars are older and are no longer even playing field for tuning. You really gotta know your stuff and i think this market is done , no one should be learning on these cars their are to many seeded tuners that know their stuff.
Also im not digging old stuff unless your telling me you can run xhp , fixed your ekp issue and got to the bottom of your coding issue which all were after your tune review. Also you yourself stated your new tune that was smooth was down on power and not as fast as any of your first tuners revisions you didn't like.
My beef isn't with you personally it's that you are wrong to be doing any reviews and or criticism until you have your car ironed out. All your mods are great but you gotta remember every time a wrench goes under that hood theirs a chance that an error takes place and it's not right to say well xhp bucks violently with the extra load on my transmission so let me flash to stock and go rip on someone for not making a tune that's perfect and can fix my other problems . You my friend may not see it but are exactly what people complain about the guy that expects the tune to change his oil gap his plugs and get you a 1.6 60 ft.
Their def are plenty of AJ's that have to be avoided cause it's real easy to cut and paste and get rich quick. Worse part is those ots copies will prob run good your just not getting what you paid for if your lucky, if your not you get a bucket of BMW parts and a big paper weight.

Dude, you are not paying attention.

1. I had a Dinan stage 3 tune that ran excellent.
2. Then installed outlets and inlets and wanted to give the first tuner a try. Car ran fine with Dinan s3 tune with inlets and outlets upgrade.
3. Gave the first tuner a try and he could not even make the car run normal without stuttering... after 12 revisions and a new transmission, i went to a second tuner who got it running smooth the first try.
Now was it as strong? Not yet. Did it run smoother yes. It did not sputter or go apeshit when driving normal. The first guy, the car was strong only on wot but unstable. And normal driving was not usable.
4. Spare me the car is not in order talk. Whatsoever any tuner said about any part, that part was replaced. And it is not rocket science. Use all factory recommendations and torque values, use proper tools. Take all unfamiliar coding to BMW or a specialist. Do nothing that you are not well versed in doing and no problems will arise.

The fact of the matter is...and you are STILL ignoring, the car ran excellent in stock, or dinan s3 with inlets and outlets and fine with the second tuner...but not with the first. It doesn't take a genius to see the one difference is tuners.

Even BEFORE xhp, before transmission upgrade, the guy could not make a useable tune. So just stop finding excuses for him. You keep bring shit back that has nothing to do with the issues I had.

You know nothing about my car except for the things you read here.and those things happened long AFTER I gave up on the first tuner.


Oct 28, 2017
Monroe CT
09 335i msport le mans 18 x5
Ok glad your car runs perfect it's everyone else
I will contact mhd immediately and let them know everyone that is ots is running bad maps
Look agree to disagree because you had issues before that and you have issues after that that you became aware of later on when doing upgrades. So your saying basically during that period of time everything except your tranny blowing was perfect. Let's say that's true. Once again you then prove another point the tuner and tuned both need to be aware of all changes and should start from scratch when parts are changed. Especially a tranny. I might be wrong im just saying the BMW dealer ok we all know that's a gamble but xhp to and the guy that literally wrote the book on mhd LITERALLY then the ekp oh and euro trans to. You can have best mechanic in world but a harness can short going back together or who knows shit happens. I don't even know how this happened this time you quoted me so don't dude me like I started this one lol. I think your one of the better n54 owners just little to close minded. Hey maybe I'm the problem if that's the case I'll go fuck myself.


Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
"you had issues before that and you have issues after that that you became aware of later on when doing upgrades."

It ran fine with Dinan stage 3, even ran fine with OTS maps without the upgraded inlets and outlets. It ran fine with Dinan Stage 3 WITH inlets and outlets. The only time it did not run fine was with the first tuner. After 12 revisions, I decided to use another tuner and he got it running right the first try.

Initially I did not want to run OTS maps because they are not optimized for the upgraded inlets and outlets.... other than that, they ran fine too. But I wanted a custom tune to address the inlets and outlets...which NEVER happened under the first tuner.

What is it about this that you do not understand dude? WTF?

During the first tuner, the transmission blew so I upgraded to a PD unit. And that was the time the 12th tune came out and didn't run normal either. THEN I went to the second tuner and everything was still the same and the second tuner got it right the first try.

There is literally nothing that is different except for the tuner.


Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
AGAIN, even after the upgraded transmission, the first tuner was not successful and the second one was. So don't sit there and tell me it was my car and not the tuner. There is literally no other cause other than different tuners. I defy you to find a cause other than that. You can quote all you won't change the fact that the car had zero changes between the first and second tuner and the second tuner got it running smoother the first time and eventually got it faster than the Dinan Stage 3.

You cannot defend this so stop wasting your time.

And what's all this about a harness? NOTHING that was touched in the car involved any harness at all.


Jul 3, 2018
E92 335i
This is why questionable tuners and manufacturers stay off of the forums and prefer facebook. It's called accountability. This can easily be searched and referenced. Facebook, not so much. This is why forums will always be the place to go for technical information and why facebook will always be for the bros who like group think, leg humping vendors, being censored, echo chambers, and hacks like Frankenturbo.
I agree with this for the most part, though I did buy an add-on fuel pump from that Gilbert guy in the FB groups. Reason being is his kit (for this, anyway) is about $200 cheaper than the F-I! option but only like $50 more than a similar DIY setup would be but I get to keep one pump in the bucket like I wanted.

Albeit there were no instructions and it was largely BMP parts, his bracket is at least proprietary and it was simple enough for anyone who can DIY a bit.


Oct 28, 2017
Monroe CT
09 335i msport le mans 18 x5
AGAIN, even after the upgraded transmission, the first tuner was not successful and the second one was. So don't sit there and tell me it was my car and not the tuner. There is literally no other cause other than different tuners. I defy you to find a cause other than that. You can quote all you won't change the fact that the car had zero changes between the first and second tuner and the second tuner got it running smoother the first time and eventually got it faster than the Dinan Stage 3.

You cannot defend this so stop wasting your time.

And what's all this about a harness? NOTHING that was touched in the car involved any harness at all.
Ok I was under impression you still couldn't use xhp and had ekp thing going on still which would point to something being wrong. If their was then it would be unfair to judge a tune since tuners take different approaches sometimes, doesn't mean one is better just different but if a car doesn't respond normally or the way it's supposed to it is possible to tune around the issue where as another may be trying to fix issue or whatever but that's all out the window cause everything's fixed and your car responds as expected to mods and increased stress "is common for car to perform properly in stock form and have flaws exposed when those parameters are changed" so if that's the case then I apologize. You started this debate this time by misunderstanding my post and calling me out when I wasn't defending this thread I was trying to prevent the generalization that all tuners are a ripoff.

quote from October 8th
Twisted custom is better but still not perfect. Stock wedge mhd stage 2+ ots runs fine. And xhp s1 runs fine. So yeah it is definitely a tune and xhp issue.

See you can't blame me cause someone logged on your computer and posted that to the tuning section of this forum and had me all messed up . Figure that couldnt been you cause if it was you'd be talking in circles and self contradicting.
That would mean the problem is you or the car unless two of the best tuners period don't know what their during.
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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
So, the info being posted is stolen intellectual property? Being passed off as some kind of achievement or revelation?

If that is the case it won't be hard to figure out and shall be deleted from the post.


Jan 24, 2018
Charleston, SC
N54/3 1er ///Mutt
So, the info being posted is stolen intellectual property? Being passed off as some kind of achievement or revelation?

If that is the case it won't be hard to figure out and shall be deleted from the post.

Pretty sure it was confirmed byWedge, V8bait, and another user who authored a few of these documents.
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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
@doublespaces, can we ban this account?
Forum rules will be defined more clearly in the future. This site's ban list is very short(has about three people on it) and requires continual negligence and refusal to cooperate to end up on it. For now, we can say nobody is allowed to distribute or sell tunes on this forum based on the information originally provided in the first link. I have seen no denial of the claims brought forward and have reason to believe the information was not obtained by legal means. This is the call on the field boys, and unless someone can provide some clear and obvious proof showing otherwise, the ruling of the previous play will stand.


Jul 8, 2017
Forum rules will be defined more clearly in the future. This site's ban list is very short(has about three people on it) and requires continual negligence and refusal to cooperate to end up on it. For now, we can say nobody is allowed to distribute or sell tunes on this forum based on the information originally provided in the first link. I have seen no denial of the claims brought forward and have reason to believe the information was not obtained by legal means. This is the call on the field boys, and unless someone can provide some clear and obvious proof showing otherwise, the ruling of the previous play will stand.
I replied in another thread and showed the differences. Maps have been just updated to V0.30 and I make these maps. Not Ken, not Jake not anyone's granny.
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I replied in another thread and showed the differences. Maps have been just updated to V0.30 and I make these maps. Not Ken, not Jake not anyone's granny. I do. If you want more detailed information on how OTS maps I suggest asking David Shoup

You can fabricate all the lies you want Dean. Stock map bottom right corner ends up 0.5098 dividing by 2. The maps you released had the same value as the v6 OTS maps which was 0.5156. What are the odds you have a table full of values with exactly the same numbers? Your biggest issue Dean, you have a big mouth. You like to brag to people about hacking MHD and at one time even selling your services to root a phone so they could unlock all the OTS maps without paying for them. Even after all that you still claim the maps are 100% custom and drag David Shoup into this as if he's going to lie for you?

So, while you went off telling lies to justify your selling of OTS maps, you completely overlooked the fact that I did something very special to the timing table on the E40 map. While you made a few changes to the 155 and 180 load, you completely left the 304 RPM row exactly the same. This is custom to the v6 maps and none of the stock maps have a value of 3.50 in the 60 load at 304 RPM to include all the other value in that row... Can you explain to me and everyone how you got all the same values in your E40 timing main table if they are truly custom maps? Maybe David can tell everyone how you pulled that off?

While I though AJ was a scam artist selling XPS and BMS maps as custom, you are lower than low coming to me for help and then stealing my OTS maps from hacking MHD so you can party like a rock star and rip people off because you think people on this platform are stupid. I guess your fanboys don't care that you are nothing more than a scam artist.


Jul 8, 2017
You can fabricate all the lies you want Dean. Stock map bottom right corner ends up 0.5098 dividing by 2. The maps you released had the same value as the v6 OTS maps which was 0.5156. What are the odds you have a table full of values with exactly the same numbers? Your biggest issue Dean, you have a big mouth. You like to brag to people about hacking MHD and at one time even selling your services to root a phone so they could unlock all the OTS maps without paying for them. Even after all that you still claim the maps are 100% custom and drag David Shoup into this as if he's going to lie for you?

So, while you went off telling lies to justify your selling of OTS maps, you completely overlooked the fact that I did something very special to the timing table on the E40 map. While you made a few changes to the 155 and 180 load, you completely left the 304 RPM row exactly the same. This is custom to the v6 maps and none of the stock maps have a value of 3.50 in the 60 load at 304 RPM to include all the other value in that row... Can you explain to me and everyone how you got all the same values in your E40 timing main table if they are truly custom maps? Maybe David can tell everyone how you pulled that off?

While I though AJ was a scam artist selling XPS and BMS maps as custom, you are lower than low coming to me for help and then stealing my OTS maps from hacking MHD so you can party like a rock star and rip people off because you think people on this platform are stupid. I guess your fanboys don't care that you are nothing more than a scam artist.

I had nothing to do with your map buddy as they were sent to me when I was already doing Flash Only. If you want to see a msg by whom those maps are sent to me I can send you a pm if you want it public I can make it public(Yes it will hurt that person a bit business wise). Maps have been updated. Yes the IJ ones were directly from that person that sent them to me and I dumped everything I had on web cuz I got really upset but from respect to you I took all your stuff down yesterday and re-uploaded with mine. Go check if you don't believe me

Asking you for any help was #1 mistake in my book as you didn't do anything other than send me XDF ... so yeah that was "great help"(which I don't have anymore, got another one, no biggie). There is nothing of "yours" on google drive other than XDFs that you can download publicly also github.

Anyways what I will do is make more tuttorials on how to make stuff yourself, PDF guides Excel Spreadsheets etc etc etc so community can learn how to tune themselves instead of us arguing here.


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
I had nothing to do with your map buddy as they were sent to me when I was already doing Flash Only. If you want to see a msg by whom those maps are sent to me I can send you a pm if you want it public I can make it public(Yes it will hurt that person a bit business wise). Maps have been updated. Yes the IJ ones were directly from that person that sent them to me and I dumped everything I had on web cuz I got really upset but from respect to you I took all your stuff down yesterday and re-uploaded with mine. Go check if you don't believe me

Asking you for any help was #1 mistake in my book as you didn't do anything other than send me XDF ... so yeah that was "great help"(which I don't have anymore, got another one, no biggie). There is nothing of "yours" on google drive other than XDFs that you can download publicly also github.

Anyways what I will do is make more tuttorials on how to make stuff yourself, PDF guides Excel Spreadsheets etc etc etc so community can learn how to tune themselves instead of us arguing here.
So you are saying that someone sent you the mhd maps and your tunes were based on that at one time but they are not any longer?


Jul 8, 2017
So you are saying that someone sent you the mhd maps and your tunes were based on that at one time but they are not any longer?
My tunes were never based on MHD maps. I had OTS map (93 octane) uploaded to the file share with rest of my files(my built files) at one time and I deleted it. OTS maps simply are not suitable for any custom over the head setup. OTS maps are automated and I prefer to control the boost, curve and drop off more manually hence WGDC and Airflow adders are my 2 main components. P factor is way relaxed, I stock and D doesn't have as much aggression so it wouldn't cause as much oscillation.

*Edit* I also got sent E40 map
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