How to get original DME map back on my car?


New Member

Have a 2010, 135i, N55, DCT. Unfortunately, the car was "mapped" by the previous owner when he did some modifications, charge pipe, and cat-less down pipe. I'm considering going the MHD route. My question is can I save the "mapped" file as the "stock" file, and where can I get hold of a "standard" stock file (csv format?). I've spoken to the previous owner, and he might be able to provide me with the original stock file. Is there any way that I can upload the "original" stock file to my MHD platform? (or program pack?)

Appreciate any advice and help

Kindest regards



This post was moved into its own thread. You should be able to use WinKFP or something like that in order to flash it back to stock, but this tune is tied to his google account, so you're kinda stuck in terms of getting access to this map again.