Oil Cooler O-Ring Size


Why does the dimensions on the BMW oil cooler line Orings - 13.4mm ID x 1.78mm CS not follow any international standard? They use this size for so many things across so many platforms for so many years and yet I cant find an exact replica in 3 or 4 o-ring standards I've found online. The closest I found is 14mm x 1.78mm which is from standard AS568.


New Member
Probably so you have to buy it from them.

Alot of things are like that, could easily use more available/universal parts but they instead change it slightly.


I got a set of 14mm ID x 1.78mm CS FKM (Viton) o-rings and they fit fine, no leaks.
bag of 50 o-rings cost less than 2 oem o-rings shipped from overseas... lol


Can you tell the website where you get the o-rings?šŸ‘
i'm in Aus, so shipping some o-rings from US or Europe doesnt make sense, local online retailer had a variety of standard sizes and materials:

bottom line is the 14mm x 1.78mm should be commonly available globally as it comes from standard AS568.